D'Lynn Waldron, PhD on the advantages of e-book publishing.
    D'Lynn is in rebellion against the conglomerates that have devoured the book publishing industry. Their accountants and lawyers make sure the author gets little or nothing in royalties. D'Lynn has torn up the print book contracts that are unalterable boilerplates, such as the MacMillan/VIACOM contract analyzed below (scroll down).

    Since the earliest days of the internet, D'Lynn has made all her historic documents, such as those written in his own hand for her by Patrice Lumumba, freely available to everyone on her Web site.
    Her writing is published in text books edited by others at Oxford University Press, etc., (for which she is paid) and in scholarly books commpiled by others to which she donates her work.
    Her books on the Congo and Ireland, etc., will be made available as e-books at a nominal cost. These e-books will have interactive features and far more illustrations than any print book could have.